Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine in Austin, TX
Why we think a membership model is better!
Austin Medical Partners offers a modern and innovative approach to your healthcare in Austin, TX. Our membership model allows for time with your doctor for a truly Personalized & integrated approach to your health and wellness. Unparalleled continuity of care and An exceptional value for your time and money.
Our Unique Membership-based Medical Practice Includes:
60 minute new patient appointments
Un-hurried 30 minute follow-up appointments (with longer visits possible for more complex problems)
Virtual doctor appointments (when medically safe & appropriate)
Appointments that start on time so you spend less time waiting
Smaller patient panels mean more focus on YOU
The only Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine practice that offers medical care when you are hospitalized.
Direct Care Options
Direct Primary Care
What is Direct Primary Care?
Direct Primary Care (DPC) provides a solution to problems plaguing our current healthcare delivery system: rushed office visits, difficulty accessing a physician, long waits to get an appointment and long waits in the office. The “Direct” in DPC refers to the relationship between the patient and their physician. Instead of reliance on payments from insurance companies, the doctor receives payment directly from the patient. This allows our patient’s easy access, personalized care, more actual face-to-face time with “your doctor” and a true collaboration between patient and physician. The DPC model also frees your doctor from administrative tasks that get between you and your care. DPC is NOT health insurance and we recommend health insurance to cover unexpected medical expenses.
Concierge Care/Concierge Medicine
What is Concierge Care and/or Concierge Medicine?
Concierge Care (CC) offers even greater access to high-quality care and additional features not covered by Medicare or traditional insurance. Patients wanting a highly personalized approach to their health and wellness, additional face-time with their doctor benefit most from a concierge care/medicine membership. Among the many benefits of our CC plan is coverage for services not covered under Medicare or Private insurance, such as, enhanced direct physician access, virtual doctor’s appointment, certain imaging studies, complementary and alternative medicine evaluations.
Medicare patients must enroll in a Concierge Care model. A membership fee is required to enroll in a Concierge Medicine membership plan and is NOT covered by medicare. Under this plan, patients are responsible for medicare/insurer required copays, co-insurance, and deductibles. Medicare and commercial insurance regulations restrict patients from belonging to a DPC practice if your physician accepts Medicare or is in-network with your insurance plan. Please call our office (512) 640- 2691 or visit the FAQ section to learn more and see if a membership based practice is right for you!